Sunday, May 2, 2010

Kevin Kelly

I was surprised when Kevin Kelly mentions that the internet is only 5000 days old. This is an amazing interpretation of where we stand today on technology. We have advanced so much through wires on the net. You can buy a brand new computer today and it could be outdated and considered old in a matter of months or even weeks. Kelly mentions about believing in the impossible. This is a great quote to live by. If we never would have believed in the impossible, there would be no net. The invention of the computer back then was an amazing discovery for everyone; today what we have progressed to web 2.0 and soon web 3.0, the people back then would think it was a complete fantasy, something they could only see in a move. Kelly also mentions the McLuhan reversal and that "humans will be the extended senses of the machine." It appears that the development of the internet is inevitable.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Web 3.0

In class we have discussed the moderation's of both web 1.0 and 2.0. In the near future, we will have the futuristic web features of web 3.0. I believe that there will be many programs which would make everyday tasks more convenient to the public user. This includes new apps that could turn off houselights, electronics, and other devices all from your mobile phone. They introduced this feature on an iPhone application. Now we are also starting so see an advance in mobile technology. Sprint has already came out with a new network called 4G. This is a more clear, concise, and yet better internet connection then the recently "new" 3G network which is now outdated. I am expecting a lot from this new web 3.0 network, it should really be blowing away the public's mind on how they use the internet.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

1. I would like to create a collage of cartoon characters that are hypnotized and attracted to their video games.

2. I will be using cuts, smudges, transformations, text, shadows, paint brush and much more.

3. I envision my final project to make people who look at the poster see that video games are addicting even when and if others think they are not.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Computer Gaming: Positive Media or Addiction?

With the creation of video games decades ago, the popularity continues to grow, especially with regard to teenagers and young adults. Computer games can be a valuable form of media, as it can be used for entertainment, assist individuals to learn and improve academics ability (i.e.- educational math and language arts games), teach people how to play a sport, become better at strategic decisions (i.e.- chess), improve hand-eye coordination and improve reflexes. Despite what many people think, computer games can generally help to keep one’s mind alert and active. It has the potential to address the needs of people of all ages with various learning styles. By participating in video games, an individual has the opportunity to become a part of the process by stepping into the virtual world displayed on the LCD screen. While there are certainly positive attributes to this pastime, there is also much controversy surrounding computer games as having a negative impact since people spend an infinite amount of time caught up in playing video games, whether online on the computer or on a gaming console. Studies on video game addiction are insufficient at this time; however, the scientific community is starting to look at this issue more seriously since it can affect various aspects of people’s lives.

The craving to play video games may be similar to gambling where it takes over an individual’s normal daily routine. Although fairly new to the field of psychology, the playing of video games is not medically recognized as a suitable addiction because of a lack of knowledge in the subject matter (Hendricks). David Walsh, founder of the National Institute on Media and the Family in Minneapolis, claims that media experts point out that “computer and video games are not inherently bad for kids,” as long as they play responsibly and find a balance with other interests, commitments and activities in their lives (Wagner). There is a growing concern among mental-health professionals that video games may be linked to an addiction problem. Liz Wooley, founder of On-Line Games Anonymous, a virtual 12 step program for individuals having a dependence on computer games maintains that “We are seeing it over and over again…We’re losing kids into the games and it’s turning their brains to mush” (Wagner). When individuals become so engrossed in the game, they “zone out” from the real world.

Addiction is defined as needing more and more of a substance to keep going. If the individual does not get the substance, they become irritable and have withdrawal symptoms when the substance, in this case, video games, is taken away. They are preoccupied and cannot stop themselves, often having failed multiple attempts to discontinue playing the video games. An argument to support that excessive video games are mentally addictive is that the individual achieves psychological reinforcement from playing and doing extremely well at a game. As the player becomes exceptionally skilled at a game, dopamine, which is a neurochemical transmitter, is released from the brain, giving the player a “good” feeling (Situational Staff). Although not officially recognized as a gaming addiction, countries including China, South Korea, the Netherlands, Canada, and the United States do acknowledge that video game addiction is an actual health threat and have opened clinics to deal with this problem (Situational Staff).

Most people think of specific substances such as drugs and alcohol when they think of an addiction problem. However, Kimberly Young, PsyD, clinical director of the Center for On-Line Addiction and author of Caught in the Net: How to Recognize the Signs of Internet Addiction and A Winning Strategy for Recovery claims that compulsive gaming meet the criteria because of the severe withdrawal symptoms that take place when the games are taken away. “They become angry, violent or depressed. If parents take away the computer, their child sits in the corner and cries, refuses to eat, sleep, or do anything” (Clark). According to a study, what is viewed as an enjoyable hobby may have harmful impact on school work and social interaction. The symptoms for video game dependence can vary from social isolation, reduced social skills, and persons could display erratic mood swings. Individual may be neglectful in taking care of themselves, such as health, regular sleeping and hygiene. Also, they may ignore other obligations including financial duties, work commitments and school or study responsibilities (Situational Staff).

Some of the most overplayed and obsessive-type of competitions is what is referred to as MMORPGS or “massively multiplayer online role-playing games.” Two games that are quite popular and fit into this category include World of Warcraft (WoW) and Call of Duty (CoD). Gamers from all over the world hook up to the internet and connect in cyberspace to form “guilds” or “clans,” while partaking in raids to oppose their rival squads (Wagner). In WoW, every player creates an avatar and plays the role of that character. That avatar is an online movable three-dimensional image used to represent a character in cyberspace. There are guild leaders and raid leaders, as well as offensive and defensive guild members from all over the world, participating in major quests. Players can easily get lost in these prolonged and lengthy missions that it can go on for days; it becomes increasingly difficult to leave (Wagner). For example, if I were playing with other members of my guild from all over the world including but not limited to places such as China, Canada, the United Kingdom and throughout the United States, and I needed to quit to work on a project, I would inform members of my squad that I needed to stop, in which case, members would collectively try to persuade and convince me not to leave. Everyone gets so caught up and fixated in this fantasy world that it becomes one of the most significant events in one’s life, much more important than studying and doing homework.

Speaking from my own personal experience, the competitive nature of the game draws players in and motivates them to try to be the best in the WoW. In MMORPGS, each player is openly accepted to form bonds and become part of the guild. It doesn’t matter how physically fit a player is, or if they are quiet or unpopular in real life. Players have the opportunity to team up with people from all over the world and make online friends while playing together for several days and sharing in adventures, finding people to protect you and working together to get things done. People have a chance to be an effective leader, learn money, learn the business aspect of buying, selling or trading items, and working on guild management skills. Similar to real life experiences, people voice their complaints, concerns and issues that require immediate attention from the group; therefore, those matters could be dealt with in order for things to run smoothly.

In conclusion, the rapid growth and rise in popularity of this expanding form of media have created a great concern involving computer games. While there are obvious benefits that come from playing a wide variety of action packed games, there are negative implications that pose the potential for individuals to become addicted to gaming activities. As a way for people to escape their monotonous real life, they can transform into a super action hero with a click of a button. Despite of the fact that computer games can build essential skills in academics, increase communication, help in problem solving ability, improve hand-eye coordination and alertness, to name a few, the threat of addiction cannot be ignored since it can cause an imbalance to people’s daily routine. With its advancing graphics, high quality of sound and interactive capabilities, the computer gaming industry will continue to appeal to people of all ages and lure them into a virtual world. Since this form of media is being ingrained into our culture and is here to stay, individuals must try to maintain a healthy balance of other interests and activities to get the most out of this technology.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Assignment Choice # 4: Gaming Addiction

1. Intro - Are Video Games Addicting?

Gaming addiction could be similar to gambling where it takes over people’s normal

daily routine. Video game addition still fairly new to field of psychology. Not

medically recognized as a suitable addiction because of lack of research (such as alcohol, gambling etc.). Studies on video game addiction are insufficient.

Growing problem. Scientific community starting to look at issue more seriously. Impacts school work and social interactions. Affect various aspects of people’s lives.

Definition of Addiction…

- Need more and more of substance to keep going

- If individual does not get substance, they get irritable

- Get withdrawal symptoms if substance (in this case, games) taken away

My position- Based on my own personal experience and knowledge of many gamers, video games are definitely addictive as kids spend more and more time and money on their habit.

2. Who gets addicted?

- Everyone is vulnerable

- Factors: examples include - rough life, low tolerances for stress, social or economic stress (may be more susceptible) Boys and teenage males more susceptible

3. What are the addiction signs? Symptoms of pathological game user- become a compulsion (impulse control disorder like compulsive gambling). Pro arguments that it is an addiction:

- Increase in amount of time playing on games, drawn to the games

- Become preoccupied about a game when they are involved in other activities

- Cannot stop themselves from recurrent use, cannot avoid game

- Plan when they will be playing their games

- Increase time spent at activity (gaming)

- Seek to escape reality such as real problems in their life (i.e. – anxiety and depression)

- Look to hide or conceal their gaming addiction by lying about it to friends

- May become isolated from friends, rather play computer than socialize

- May give up on hobbies and time playing sports, appear to be bored with other activities

- Avoid homework, bad grades in school

4. Physical signs of addiction

- Sleep disturbances

- Headaches

- Don’t want to eat or bathe (poor hygiene)

- Back of their neck hurts

- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

- Mood Swings, abruptly get angry or irritable

- Falling asleep during the day, very tired

5. Psychological signs of addiction. Change in brain chemistry? (i.e. - increase in dopamine, which is a type of chemical in the brain- may predetermine who is relatively likely or not likely to develop addictions. Note- personality plays a role on who activity will be problem)

- Puts gamer in virtual world; take on role of fictional character while playing game

- Feel good about self (i.e. – may be unpopular in school, but forceful in popular game

- Virtual world may be more attractive than real world

6. Video Game not an addition. Against argument that it is not an addiction:

- American Medical Association (AMA) calls it an overuse problem, not a diagnosis

- Not like an overdose of medicine

- American Psychiatric Association- not in its diagnostic manual

- Just an overuse/excessive use problem, using Internet games too much

- Not like an addictive substance (i.e. – alcohol, nicotine or cocaine

- Parents need to closely monitor amount of time kids spend on Internet

- No physiological affect

7. Conclusion- May need to detox from computer

- Similar to detoxing from other addictions

- Difficulty is that PC’s have become important part of everyday life (i.e.- school and job use, computers not going away)

- Learn to use computer in moderation

- Whether it is addictive or a bad habit, this issue needs to be addressed

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Social Media/Web 2.0 Group discussion

Group Members: Sean Connor and Ben Thiefels

1) Professional production values will always increase. An example of this would be the multi-million dollar movie named Avatar. They used really high quality special effects. For regular movies on television, quality will most likely be lower being that you are watching a free broadcast. As technology advances, it becomes cheaper to manage higher quality productions. Some shows on TV use the "camera effect" which the scene is shot by an actual camera making it seem like there is no camera crew but instead one person shooting the whole scene. User generated content will most likely get better just because it is getting to be more available to the general population.

2) The news article we have found is titled "How to Get Costumers on Facebook and Twitter. The terms we have used to define this website are facebook, twitter, advertisement and communication. Finding this same article on, we have found out that there are similar tagging words that we described. The tagging words "facebook" and "twitter" are already used on, mad "advertisement" and "communication" are similar to some of the words there. For example, if I were to describe advertisement in relation to the tag word used, I would say it is about marketing and the term marketing is used as a tag word there. Same thing with communication but instead it is tagged social. We think these words are important to describe this article because obviously the article is about facebook and twitter so we will use those key terms right away, also, facebook and twitter use a lot of advertisement. These advertisements are how these free websites make their money. Companies pay facebook and twitter for a website "space" so they can have their marketing place online in a social environment for many people to see and to maybe even persuade people to get or buy their product. We used the term communication because all in all, thats exactly what facebook and twitter are about. They are both social;l networking websites which allow you to "communicate" with friends, family, and others you personally know or even people around the globe.

3) Why is transparency such an important concept in the Social Media world? Is it MORE or LESS important in the offline world? Why?
For a lot of people, it is important to be transparent because it shows their true self. It allows them to be open and trustworthy. It seems like it is important for people who follow user-generated content. It is important for a business to be transparent because no one wants to follow a company and not see the true values of what they are doing. An example of a company not being transparent would be one in the subject of toxic "E-Waste". This company claims that they will recycle and re-use computer parts in the U.S. and do it in the cleanest way possible. They lose credibility because a crew of environmentalists wanted to see what was actually happening with these computers. They found out that these computers were delivered to China for cheap labor to get rid of these products. This company obviously isn't transparent to the public. Here is a link of the article:

Monday, February 22, 2010

"Give Us What We Want"

One new thing that I have learned from this part of "the Persuaders" were that most of the important political speakers in the U.S., make their speeches to what the people want to hear. By doing this, they also change the meanings of words so that they sound as a better term but also mean the very same thing (i.e. Global Warming changes to Climate Change). It turns out that when the president mentions to do something about "Climate Change", this term is more effective to his audience than if he were to say he was going to do something about "Global Warming".

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Digital Nation Response 2

-I found it interesting that when the middle school was introduced to computers in a school environment, fight percentages went way down, reading scores up by 30%, math scores went up and attendance went up by 90%. These kids also adapted into the term of multi-tasking since the computers have entered this school.
-I agree with the student from Chatham High School. I do not remember the last time I have read a book. I do the same thing with the spark notes for readings if I need it. The internet in my opinion can provide almost anything I need and want to know.
-In my opinion, I disagree that writing experiences get worse ad people get older due to the internet. I play an online game called World of Warcraft, and that game actually helped to improve my writing skills and how I type faster.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Media Film

I think the first 30 minutes of this movie was ridiculous. Of course, technology is advancing at an extremely fast rate, but this first 30 minutes of the movie made it seem like it’s a bad thing. They said that people have been recorded from dyeing to video games because of a lack of water and food in their system. I think that’s completely outrageous and false. I highly doubt people let themselves waste away to nothing just to play a video game. I admit, they are addicting because I am one of the people addicted to the online fantasy and chat world known as “World of Warcraft”, but I do not let myself die because I am addicted, I still find times to study and do homework resulting in me getting a 3.4 gpa last semester. I have also read an article in the newspaper awhile ago that proves that gaming actually improves your vision and thought. Some games may not be good for this but others like strategy or simulation games, and especially complex puzzle games, challenge you to think in different ways and are good for your reasoning and logic skills including helping your eyesight. According to the University of Rochester (, playing video games a few hours a day over the course of the month have been proven to help improve eyesight by 20%. Before the first 30 minutes of this film plays, they should look at some positives of gaming besides just the negatives.

This film also seemed to make contact with “multi-takers” and basically tell them that there really not well at what they’re doing. If they think they’re doing fine then leave them alone in my opinion. Its they’re life. America has to try and stop making people the “perfect person”. Who cares if they’re attention spand goes down from doing to many things at once, they know as well that if they tried to do 1 thing at a time they’ll be a lot better at it but they rather save time and do it all together. If anything, they’re ahead of the game because they’re doing many things at once and leave the other non-multi-taskers behind.

In conclusion, the first part of this movie left me with a negative effect on how people think of computer gamers. Gaming is and always will be the future. The gaming market is the one thing in the world that is actually succeeding outstandingly well on the consumer market. The game I play at home, “World of Warcraft”, is known to be played by over 4.6 million people worldwide. This isn’t just a game either. It can also be known to be the “e-harmony” for computer gamers. I know 3 people in the game that I play with, including one of my real life friends that have made contact with someone of their opposite sex and talked and even met up with each other. My friend for example met someone from Virginia when he lives in NY and they have a steady relationship now even though they don’t get to see each other in person that much but they talk every day through the game.