Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Assignment Choice # 4: Gaming Addiction

1. Intro - Are Video Games Addicting?

Gaming addiction could be similar to gambling where it takes over people’s normal

daily routine. Video game addition still fairly new to field of psychology. Not

medically recognized as a suitable addiction because of lack of research (such as alcohol, gambling etc.). Studies on video game addiction are insufficient.

Growing problem. Scientific community starting to look at issue more seriously. Impacts school work and social interactions. Affect various aspects of people’s lives.

Definition of Addiction…

- Need more and more of substance to keep going

- If individual does not get substance, they get irritable

- Get withdrawal symptoms if substance (in this case, games) taken away

My position- Based on my own personal experience and knowledge of many gamers, video games are definitely addictive as kids spend more and more time and money on their habit.

2. Who gets addicted?

- Everyone is vulnerable

- Factors: examples include - rough life, low tolerances for stress, social or economic stress (may be more susceptible) Boys and teenage males more susceptible

3. What are the addiction signs? Symptoms of pathological game user- become a compulsion (impulse control disorder like compulsive gambling). Pro arguments that it is an addiction:

- Increase in amount of time playing on games, drawn to the games

- Become preoccupied about a game when they are involved in other activities

- Cannot stop themselves from recurrent use, cannot avoid game

- Plan when they will be playing their games

- Increase time spent at activity (gaming)

- Seek to escape reality such as real problems in their life (i.e. – anxiety and depression)

- Look to hide or conceal their gaming addiction by lying about it to friends

- May become isolated from friends, rather play computer than socialize

- May give up on hobbies and time playing sports, appear to be bored with other activities

- Avoid homework, bad grades in school

4. Physical signs of addiction

- Sleep disturbances

- Headaches

- Don’t want to eat or bathe (poor hygiene)

- Back of their neck hurts

- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

- Mood Swings, abruptly get angry or irritable

- Falling asleep during the day, very tired

5. Psychological signs of addiction. Change in brain chemistry? (i.e. - increase in dopamine, which is a type of chemical in the brain- may predetermine who is relatively likely or not likely to develop addictions. Note- personality plays a role on who activity will be problem)

- Puts gamer in virtual world; take on role of fictional character while playing game

- Feel good about self (i.e. – may be unpopular in school, but forceful in popular game

- Virtual world may be more attractive than real world

6. Video Game not an addition. Against argument that it is not an addiction:

- American Medical Association (AMA) calls it an overuse problem, not a diagnosis

- Not like an overdose of medicine

- American Psychiatric Association- not in its diagnostic manual

- Just an overuse/excessive use problem, using Internet games too much

- Not like an addictive substance (i.e. – alcohol, nicotine or cocaine

- Parents need to closely monitor amount of time kids spend on Internet

- No physiological affect

7. Conclusion- May need to detox from computer

- Similar to detoxing from other addictions

- Difficulty is that PC’s have become important part of everyday life (i.e.- school and job use, computers not going away)

- Learn to use computer in moderation

- Whether it is addictive or a bad habit, this issue needs to be addressed

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