Monday, February 8, 2010

Media Film

I think the first 30 minutes of this movie was ridiculous. Of course, technology is advancing at an extremely fast rate, but this first 30 minutes of the movie made it seem like it’s a bad thing. They said that people have been recorded from dyeing to video games because of a lack of water and food in their system. I think that’s completely outrageous and false. I highly doubt people let themselves waste away to nothing just to play a video game. I admit, they are addicting because I am one of the people addicted to the online fantasy and chat world known as “World of Warcraft”, but I do not let myself die because I am addicted, I still find times to study and do homework resulting in me getting a 3.4 gpa last semester. I have also read an article in the newspaper awhile ago that proves that gaming actually improves your vision and thought. Some games may not be good for this but others like strategy or simulation games, and especially complex puzzle games, challenge you to think in different ways and are good for your reasoning and logic skills including helping your eyesight. According to the University of Rochester (, playing video games a few hours a day over the course of the month have been proven to help improve eyesight by 20%. Before the first 30 minutes of this film plays, they should look at some positives of gaming besides just the negatives.

This film also seemed to make contact with “multi-takers” and basically tell them that there really not well at what they’re doing. If they think they’re doing fine then leave them alone in my opinion. Its they’re life. America has to try and stop making people the “perfect person”. Who cares if they’re attention spand goes down from doing to many things at once, they know as well that if they tried to do 1 thing at a time they’ll be a lot better at it but they rather save time and do it all together. If anything, they’re ahead of the game because they’re doing many things at once and leave the other non-multi-taskers behind.

In conclusion, the first part of this movie left me with a negative effect on how people think of computer gamers. Gaming is and always will be the future. The gaming market is the one thing in the world that is actually succeeding outstandingly well on the consumer market. The game I play at home, “World of Warcraft”, is known to be played by over 4.6 million people worldwide. This isn’t just a game either. It can also be known to be the “e-harmony” for computer gamers. I know 3 people in the game that I play with, including one of my real life friends that have made contact with someone of their opposite sex and talked and even met up with each other. My friend for example met someone from Virginia when he lives in NY and they have a steady relationship now even though they don’t get to see each other in person that much but they talk every day through the game.

1 comment:

  1. sean, thanks for your opinions! I would love for you to post some of your arguments on the FRONTLINE site for this video, and see what kind of response you get.

    What do you think about the part on the video about the virtual war VS. real war..
    and the airmen who fly drone planes in iraq?
