Monday, January 25, 2010


Posters: Uncle Sam poster sends out a message to recruit for the army.

News Articles: Spread word around to people with subscriptions to recieve a newspaper every time a new one is printed

Text Messaging: People can instantly communicate and send written messages wireless through cell phones to spread news fast.

1 comment:

  1. In what ways do your examples new forms of media change the perceptions of societies? What are the personal and social conquences resulting from the introduction of your examples

    My examples of "new media" change the perceptions of societies in different ways. New Articles and Posters/Fliers are considered an old technology in my opinion. Some people still use them. They are still a really good way to communicate with text instead of spoken word. Posters can communicate with you by trying to persuade you in some form to try and do something for what they want. News Articles give an update on the news but a day late. The most common and most used form of the "new medium" would be the cell phone. People are now always texting away with this new technology. It is a way to get instant updates fast and anywhere you are.
